Boxer - Outline

Folded Carton Arrangement for Boxing

Boxer Automatic calculation of the most suitable outer box size for packing of folded packages.

Boxer is a software program designed to calculate the most suitable outer box size for packing in a simple and easy way, based on the dimensions and weight of folded packages.

Boxer assists the user with tasks which usually require a lot of time and know-how, from choosing the most suitable outer box from company stock, to calculating optimized dimensions for an external box, to comparing efficiency between existing and exclusive outer boxes.


Automatic Calculation of the Most Suitable Outer Box Size

Run a simulation Comparing the results of simulations Output reports

Operation Is Simple. Select External Packaging Data and Instantly Get the Data You Need.

1. Select a one-up’s pattern→Simulation starts just by inputting the numbers.
2. You can compare the calculated cost of boxes in stock and exclusive boxes in one screen.
3. Boxer can output the calculation report as EXCEL data.


Boxer Workflow

Select a one-up pattern, input the material and dimensions, and Boxer will calculate the simulation result. You can compare cost efficiency with calculations for general and exclusive outer boxes and output reports.

Boxer Workflow Outline >>

Boxer Workflow

Simulation Results Can Be Linked and Coordinated with Other Software Solutions.

Boxer’s simulation results and output reports can be coordinated with programs such as CAPE PACK or PiCSYS.

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The simulations results can link and coordinate with other software solutions.